They were pioneers in every department of governmental activity and were looked to, both by the rulers and the people, for advice and guidance (Sounds familiar, right? Looks like we are reading about people from PMs office). His position under government filled him with pride and his gratitude and loyalty were overflowing.He relieved the British officer much from his intellectual work and left him ample time to play and rest. Many a departmental head ruled the country with with brain of the "Bengalee Babu". The Bengalee Babu worshipped the Firanghee as maay baap and began to imitate in his tastes. Gradually he became very fond of Enlish literature and began to think as an Englishman thought. The bengalees were first to send their sons to England for education and to compete for I.C.S (Indian Civil Services) and IMS (Indian Medical Services (Now if a word Babu is mentioned I know its not to refer to a clerk but it is a reference to IAS officers, the policymakers in India. Duh!). In England they lived in freedom but in India they were still considered as a 'nigger'.
First generation of Bengalees was thus anglicised through and through. they looked down upon their own religion and glorified in being 'Sahibs'. Some of them became christians. Fair amount of bengalees though refused to be carried down stream, and inspite of their English education stuck to their own religion. These veterans laid down the foundation of modern Bengalee literature. They wanted to pour their knowledge into their own mother tongue and in order to enlarge the vocabulary of Bengalee, they studied Sanskrit. Thus inspite of Anglicization of first Bengalee generation there grew up class of men imbued with nationalistic tendencies. Ram Mohan Roy, founder of the Brahmo Samaj, was the first builder of modern India.
The Bangalees were indispensable in every department. The heads of department always were English but the head of ministerial establish generally were Bengalees. The British laid down policies and gave order; the English knowing Indians saw that they were carried out.
The British left after 15th Aug 1947 but left the Babus in India. The era of this babudom is yet to end. It will not end till the leaders of this country do not maintain the exclusivity maintained by the British. The more the leader has z-security the more he becomes important in Indian politics and the more he becomes detached from the aam admi. And the Babu-Raj thus continues.