Woman of substance

Yesterday a thought came to me, why women are not very successful as compared to men? At first I thought, the phenomenon of women's participation in world affairs has history of only a hundred years or so as opposed to men who have dominance in every part of life and world affairs from the beginning of the very first civilization. Considering this little span success achieved by women today, despite the social and physical limitations, is very remarkable. The comparison between male and female performance and participation itself gives evidence of female progress.

Then a thought came to me, why women have not attained visible success in recently developed fields (such as latest technology like robotics, internet etc). These fields were open to men and women at the same time. Again we can reason this out with the participation of mass of male population and female population in these fields. If, say, only 10% of male population in software services is successful then we should consider percentage of women population in software services and should not compare the performance of both sexes by considering only the numbers.
I have read many articles and have seen many programs highlighting difference between male and female behavior, difference between male and female brain development, effects of different hormones on individual. Taking into account all these things, we must go to the definition of success. Who defined success in the beginning? What are the achievements to be considered as successful? Then it came to me that all these definitions are defined by male society, all the tests and all the parameters to be successful are designed to challenge male abilities. Whole story of success is seen by male eyes and is analyzed by male brains.
Should females strive hard to fulfill those requirements and acquire those abilities? Should she at all care about what the male community is thinking about her performance? Isn't it a hypocrisy when a female could not perform a task like a male can and she is pointed out as a failure and when a female performs a task like a male then she is termed as bold or a rebel as she has more male qualities or she thinks more like a male? A man do not like his wife to think like a man and the very same community always compare male and female performance and point out female underperformance (do you recall Dr.Summer's statements?) I have always read about how women work hard, take less leaves, and tolerate criticism only to get promotion which her male colleague could get more easily. Its stupid! Its the foolishness of women which is not taking them towards the success they deserve. Why should a women employee feel guilty for not visualizing certain things in a way her male colleagues do? She should take advantage of abilities which she has. Women should become entrepreneur than a common employee. They should think of creating their own world and own parameters of success.
Think about it . Visit http://www.singlesexschools.org/advantages-equity.htm for more details.

Three laws of haunting

I am always amused when I see a spirit (ghost) haunting somebody in movies. Imagine the process stepwise (Put your geeky brain aside for a moment and think its real !)

First step:
Energy conversion law-
May be this energy is like light which could pass through our skin and gets converted into heat like energy. As we can feel heat by touch we might feel this ghost/spirit energy by changed eye color ! (typically white and in some cases red)
Note: People born on 06/06/06 may have white and red eye color by birth.

Second step:
Survival of the fittest-
Now comes the most interesting part of the process. Once the conversion processes is over the body possesses two energies and suddenly carries so much energy that,being unable to handle it, it starts trembling. Now this free spirit, since it has experienced freedom and has got an oppotunity to explore its powers without limitations of a body ( think it as Neo from Matrix), is more powerful than the spirit inside the body.
Fight between two spirits causes severe tremors and might appear as hysteric attacks. In some cases it may cause body distortions, such as wrinkled skin, blisters, change in vocal cords etc. In severe fights it may even change blood color (generally black with increased viscosity).
Some people have reported unpleasant smells from the haunted body. (Its the last change which scares me the most and forces me to carry 'Hanuman Chalisa' with me every where)

Third step:
Wait and learn:
After an effortless triumph, the free spirits enslaves the beaten spirit, acquires all the information about surrounding people and environment and waits till dark.....rest is all known.

What happens when a social worker's spirit enters into somebody? Hmmmm.....
What happens when possessed body attacks another possessed body? or the free spirit enters into already possessed body? Interesting......


Madal II : Social justice

Education field in India has turned upside down from the day our honorable (?) HR minister Arjun Singh announced 27% quota for OBC. At least, Indian media portrayed the scene as turning point in Indian history by naming it as 'Rang de basanti' rage. Indian politicians witnessed hunger strikes and protests from anti - reservation league with scary indifference. For the first time I realized that there is nobody to give solace to so called upper caste people. The very next thought came to my mind was, 'What if some thing like Sudan happens in India?' Considering the present situation and apathy from politicians not a single sigh would be heard from these political messiahs in protest of atrocities on so called upper caste and the whole class would be wiped out from the face of Earth.

Whatever happening in India currently is not fair to anybody. But it should be considered as an opportunity to unite the upper caste people. No good is going to happen if we tolerate these things. We didn't see any protest by parents of the kids who are in high schools and will soon face quota hurdle while getting admit into BITS/IITs and other public and private colleges. We didn't see any protest from young generation who has nice jobs with big fat salaries. They will soon realize severe impact of these decisions when their jobless siblings will wander on streets and will live on anti-depressant pills.
What will happen if these people will not get admission into good institutes? How would they escape from India? On what basis would they ask asylum to other countries? Which country will accommodate them if they will not worth a single penny without good education? That will be the time when spineless middle class as well as upper caste of India would go below poverty line. This class will work so hard to meet both ends that there back and hands will be covered with soars and still won't be able to feed the family. All the brides will prefer lower castes to the higher castes. And when there would be nothing to loose this spineless class will come out and fight for their rights.
This is the chance where we will over throw the power of adamant, arrogant and foolish old school. We need young blood in power. We need somebody with broader vision. Gone should be the days of Manmohan, Arjun, Natwar, Gupt, Atal and Advani. And gone should be the days of elements which distract us from right path by bringing up caste and religion issues.

I am looking forward to those days.